Research on Research Institute

Research evaluation in transition: challenges & opportunities (James Wilsdon talk for UIMP, Santander, 6 July 2022)

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Version 2 2022-07-06, 10:36
Version 1 2022-07-06, 10:31
posted on 2022-07-06, 10:36 authored by James Wilsdon

As a contribution to a three-day UIMP symposium on "Research evaluation: challenges and opportunities for Spanish universities" from 6-8 July 2022, in this talk James Wilsdon describes progress towards responsible research assessment (RRA) over the past 5-10 years. 

His presentation covers:  

  • The move from responsible metrics to responsible research assessment;
  • Movers and shapers of these agendas in the UK and internationally;
  • Experiments in RRA: some interim results;
  • Global Research Council: results of a funder survey;
  • Metrics in the UK Research Excellence Framework (REF): a case study;
  • Five priorities for the next five years.
